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Offline advertising

Good old offline advertising!! It still works and can be an important part of your promotional strategy if done well. And we do it well!!

What can we help you with?

Graphic design of offline campaigns




Production of promotional materials


Installation and sticking


Imprinting and sticking

It takes a plan!

Our clients are small and medium-sized companies, holding companies and start-ups. Their promotional strategy usually starts online, but what if they want to engage more people? What if they want to be more visible with their new product? What if they need to build a consistent brand? Then they usually extend their promotional strategy to the offline environment as well!!! Because that’s where they will find additional audiences and potential clients. And for those they have already reached with online advertising, they will become even more memorable. But you have to plan thoughtfully and strategically!!

OOH advertising

Outdoor advertising, or OOH (out of home), takes many forms. It is visual advertising in public space. The price is mainly influenced by the size, the time of “exposure” of the advertisement and also the frequency.

What is a typical representative of OOH advertising?


billboards, bigboards, megaboards


citylights, banners


posters and hoardings in public spaces or buildings

We also include:


promotional leaflets and brochures


print advertising in print media - newspapers and magazines


window and door coatings


rollups and fly wings in or in front of buildings


screens and digital totems in buildings and at events

Installation on site

Our role is not only to graphically design and develop your company’s promotional media, but also to produce and install them in selected locations. Our Pat and Mat will provide installation throughout the country.

The way we work together will always be about individual agreement and your actual needs!

design produktu na merch

Do you have promotional items? Can we see them?

Such a cherry on the cake, which does not cost a lot of money but has its effect, are company promotional materials and various gifts that will attract your clients and customers. But beware of kitsch or completely unnecessary crap that your customer will throw away and may even be discouraged!! That’s where your money is going and none of it! Example: Do you offer financial advice and give your clients a tape measure with your logo as a gift? That’s wrong!!

We will help you choose the right materials for your type of business!!! And remember, these materials don’t just have to be for your clients, but for your employees as well. They should have value and be useful for everyone.

The most common things we do for businesses are:


company T-shirts and uniforms


pencils and pens


diaries, calendars, notebooks, document folders


flash drives, thermal cups, umbrellas, sunglasses


corporate chocolates and confectionery


and hundreds other items ...

Why work with us?

Turnkey services

Business owners say that we are great to work with not only because of our responsive communication, but because of our ability to accommodate all needs. The key is to have a good project brief, and we will work together to fine-tune this to ensure that the result is perfect.


A huge advantage of our studio is the multipotentiality of our CEO, who also takes care of our clients and carefully oversees each project. He is also a great consulting partner for your projects. And thanks to our many specialists, we have overlap in several fields.


By working with us, you get a great and professional partner for digital transformation and management of your business projects. We are a group of highly experienced professionals and we are happy to help you with your business worries.

Come with us!

Promote your business smartly and effectively!

Specify your intention, give us your ideas and write everything down in an email. Or call our CEO first and arrange a project consultation. 30 min. project consultation is always free!


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